Kiss My Closet …

showcasing inspiration



Junkanoo is a Bahamian celebration featuring amazing colours, noise makers, and costumes. The colour and sense of movement is wonderfully displayed with Bahamian art. The National Art Gallery of the Bahamas is worth a visit.

October 31, 2007 Posted by | Travel | , , , | Leave a comment

Bahama Life

I know I’m spoiled. I’m sitting in the Bahamas right now. I’m staying at my cousins and let’s just say it’s a little more than just a roof over my head – it’s a amazing roof for that matter. This place has a pool and its own cabana for guests. My hubby and I are in the cabana with a pool outside our veranda. OK…enough bragging!

I’m hit with the beauty of the colours in the Bahamas. Houses are painted with gorgeous teals, vibrant yellows, and lavenders. These colours are so complimentary with the local setting, bright sunlight and clear blue sky.

However, to take these colours and apply them in my hometown of Vancouver Canada would be disingenuous. I hate driving by a Greco-Roman façade with blue, whites, and yellows, that are completely imported into a Canadian backyard. This is nothing against the architecture, design, and colour scheme of other countries, I just would prefer to integrate these aspects into the local environment. By blending both a local influences with aspects of other countries the design is grounded and a space’s felt authenticity is heightened.

This makes me wonder about fashion that has been imported from other countries. How can Canadians for instance, take European trends and not just adopt them but also integrate them in ways that are truly distinct to the climate and cultural influences here? This leaves room for two exciting developments. Firstly, people can begin to hone in on and imagine what truly distinguishes Canadian design. Secondly, we can go about seeking out and finding worldwide fashion influences with more tenacity, knowing that we will not just adopt these trends but we will also adapt them in unique ways.

October 30, 2007 Posted by | Travel | , , , | 1 Comment